Inclusivity Philosophy and Pricing

As Yoga spread widely across the West and grew to be a billion dollar business in the last few decades, it became easy to see that the representation in practitioners, teachers, and leaders is in its majority hetero-normative, middle+ class, white or white presenting, and able-bodied or able-bodied presenting.
At BASA we wish to change that.. Our hope is to create more diversity in our community to broaden the representation and inclusion of the racial, ethnic, spiritual, gender, class, body, ability, and other diversity that exists in our society. The desire is to go beyond tokenism, where minority and diversity candidates simply get assimilated into the dominant culture, but towards true representation of our larger, richer, diverse society within the Yoga, movement, and meditation communities.
In ancient times, practicing Yoga never entailed showing up to a group experience twice a week and be led in exercises focused merely on boosting health and lowering stress. To learn it, you likely would need to commit to living in community it a mentor who would tailor and personalize a practice for you. The "yoga class" setting is something very, very new in this tradition. We believe that practicing in groups is great and powerful, yet also that it should be as individualized as possible. If you have practiced with us before, you probably know that whether you have an injury, a limitation of movement, or are perfectly able and supple, you can - and should! - always alter/pause what you are doing when something doesn't feel right. Regardless of what everyone else is doing or what is being suggested/led.
Depending on the nature of your disability, you might benefit just fine from practicing in a normal group setting. We often make a little time, after class, to coach folks into modifying the practice to suit the specific needs of their body & mind. For those who wish to dive deeper into that sort of individualization, the Self-Care Yoga offering is recommended. You will get a routine designed specifically for your goals and needs, learn to practice it on your own and become independent, as well as being coached on it to enhance execution and depth.
We are experimenting with a Donation based system, which empowers you to take into account your financial situation and circumstances when setting tuition. The higher end of the scale is intended for those with stable incomes and the ability to save. When you support us at or near this higher end it allows us to keep using this system for our offerings! The lower end of the scale is intended for students and others who are getting by without much extra in their budget. For those with little-to-no income, especially in these difficult economic times, scholarships are also available. If a payment plan would make the course more accessible to you select payment plan and write us with what will work best for you. If you have the ability and are keen to pay for your spot and one or more others with scholarships select that option.
Signing up for single offerings: write 'DONATION' in the discount code field, hit apply, and you will be able to save your spot and book the service without adding your payment info. Send us your desired donation amount via PayPal (info@basayoga.com or click here to go to the PayPal payment page) or Venmo us @thatyogaguy.